
Thursday, 30 July 2020

Creative Writting - King Kong vs Megalodon. Part 1

Once there lived a King Kong and a megalodon. They were fighting over food and kept fighting for it. The King Kong hooked the shark and the shark ate the King Kong's arm and so that he could not punch

King Kong used his other arm to grab the shark and King Kong ripped her eye out and punched her until she couldn’t breath. She died right in the King Kong's hand and then  King Kong heard a baby cry and adopted the baby as his own.

King Kong and Kong which King Kong named. The baby Kong and king Kong ate the megalodon which was Kong's mother. THE END

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Fresh Fraction 3

Walt : Identify equivalent fractions
Task Description:
For this we had to learn about the stuff we learned about last term. we learned about fractions and improper fractions. 

Friday, 24 July 2020

The Watcher of the south

Walt: The Legends Of The Watcher of the south
Task Description:
For this we visited Africa. This story had many killing and other stuff. I really enjoyed 

Paul Bunyan

Walt: Find out about Paul Bunyan
Task Description:
For This we were visiting American. This legends was Paul Bunyan. He was strong and was 6'3 tall.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Dragons Eye Lake - Croatian Myth

Task Description:
For this task We learned about the country about Croatia. There were dragons and other mythical animals and were very cool.  

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Cambodia Facts.

Task Description:
For this we watched a video about the myths of Cambodia. Mrs Ilaoa gave us options of a create and I choose to write facts about Cambodia.

Cambodian Myth of lightning, Thunder and Rain.

Task Description: 
For this we learned about the Cambodian Myth of lightning, thunder and rain. This story was given to us by Mrs Ilaoa. We watched a video and explained it in a short paragraph and figured out which powers each god had.

Monday, 20 July 2020

The Story Of Hermes taking the cows

Task Description: 
Today for inquiry we learnt about the ancient greeks and some famous myths. We learnt about the difference gods, Their creations story and about themes. Read the story below.

Term 3 Start

The First Day of term 3, I am excited to learn more about the pacific legends and learn the difference in other country.

On the first day we had a immersion assembly and each team presented about the topic of term 3 which was A world of difference. My favorite performance was team 5 because They talked about the story of sina and eel and added some salt to it.

I'm Really looking forward to this term and very excited to play sports too. 

Thursday, 2 July 2020

1,000,000 Dollar Bet

Walt: Respond critically to literature.
Task Description:
Here Is Part 2, For this task we had to finish off part 2 of the 1,000,00 dollar Bet. 

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Volcanoes Animation

Task Description:
For this task I had to draw a Volcano and animate how volcanoes erupt. This Took me 2 days because I busy during the other weeks. Also Because I was Lazy. Hope You Enjoy.