
Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Who Dunnit ?

In Room 4 we are trying to solve a crime. Someone broke in and tried to steal something but was scared and ran off. They went through a window and we discovered bits of bloody cloth next the broken window. 

First we put the bloody cloth under a microscope and it was real blood. So we watch the CCTV footage and found four suspect

The First suspect was not the one so we  Narrowed it to three so we did the others suspects and here the result

First was AB +

Second, B-

Third, A+ 

Fourth, O-


WALT: to find the hidden meaning in a text

Task Description: Describe the fable that were given us and it was good

Monday, 18 November 2019

Six sentences

Once upon a time there was an angry penguin. The angry Penguin lived in a place located in canada. The angry penguin was a very talented fighter in kung fu. He had a problem and the problem was that he told to act like a normal penguin from his parents. He felt very sad because all of his friends left

Writing Using an images

Walt: create a narrative( based on an image)

Monday, 11 November 2019

Smallest to Largest

Walt: Place organism on a continuum

Task Description: For this task we had figure out what was the largest to smallest cell and I did it

Friday, 25 October 2019

Tracking my Learning

Task description:
For the whole term 3 We were learning about how cells work and what cells look like.

Monday, 14 October 2019


I went the Movies with my church and watched the Gemini man and it was very cool. Also we went to the parakai pools with the whole church and stayed there until 6pm. Then we had white Sunday and it was very scary because we had to say a 4 bible verses and in Samoan.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Term 3 Highlights

Highlight 1:
My first highlight of the year was the spending time with the class. This term was very fun with the class because all of our will make jokes to make all of us laugh. It was very fun with the class and i hope that I have good one next term

Highlight 2:
My second highlight was being Mrs stones Favourite student. I enjoyed being with Mrs Stone cause she will always push to finish my work to the limits. Also, She will always tell me to be a leader and step up as one.

Thank you Mrs stone and Room 4 for being the best class that I ever been In

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Measurement Recap

Walt: identify the next number in a pattern

Task Description:
For this task was very pushing because Mrs Stone gave us very hard work and thank you Mrs Stone for the work :).

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Friday, 23 August 2019

Rata and the totara Tree

Walt:  interpret figurative language and its effect on a text

Task Description:

We had to read about the Rata and the Totara Tree.

Facts about Octopus

Task Description:
For this we had to find facts about octopus. I have learn heaps of interesting facts about octopus. But did you know that octopus has 9 brains

Captivating Conversion

WALT: convert different units of measurement

Friday, 16 August 2019

Bring Back Extinct Species

Bringing Back Extinct Species is Worthwhile

Have you heard that scientists are trying to bring extinct species?. 

Scientists should not be playing God. Bring Back Extinct Animals are a waste of time and money.

If we bring the species back to life there be many retro diseases we might not know about. Also there might people abusing the animals so that they could experiment on them. The Extinct species could attack us to.

Some of the religious people would be offended because only one person could make life and that is God and that is just playing God. Extinct species could risk our food being rotten and yucky. The political could say yes of bringing back to life could kill of us.

So That's why we should not bring extinct animals back to life. There Are too many Negative things in bringing them back. It would be better if there were no more Difficulty in lifet.

Break Out

WALT: work collaboratively to solve problems

Task Description:
For this I had to be alone and figure out little trick question so that I could Breakout of this mess. My Group Jacob, And Toby left to go Kapa haka and then I thought I was Gonna Lose But I won Out of No where. I had to solve Very Hard puzzle to break out.

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Finding The Answers

WALT: work collaboratively to solve problems 

Task Description: 
For this we had to Google and find the answer to the that Miss Stone Gave us. It was very fun and cool also I would like to do it again

Finding The Bearing

WALT: work collaboratively to solve problems
Task Description:
For this task we had to find the bearing from Auckland to Brisbane and then after that we had to find the bearing from Brisbane to Auckland

Friday, 5 July 2019

My Scratch Animation

Task Description :

For this task we had to animate and code our animation.

Friday, 31 May 2019

Quick Writting

On the Dinosaur Trail

Walt : condense and paraphrase key ideas in a text 

Task Description: For this week, Campion has been working on a new Reading task called On the Dinosaur Trail. Our task was to read the online text and video and then complete the following tasks online on the class site. Me and AJ worked together for this particular task. We had to answer a few questions that check our understanding towards the text and also share our own opinions. To find the answers highlighted in red me and AJ read through the book and checked which one fit best. Once we finished we rated ourselfs on how well we have done. Stay tuned for more posts!

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

The Battle

Walt: make connections between a text, ourselves and the world

Monday, 13 May 2019

Fractured Fairy Tale

Walt: write Fractured Fairytales

Task Description:
For this task we write a fractured fairy tale. A Fractured fairy tale is a fairy take that has a twist in it. 

Concrete Coordinates

Walt: We are learning to use grid references and scale

Task Description:

For this task we had to find the coordinate in Paris.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

The Grateful Crane

Walt: Interpret figurative language.

Task Description:

For this task we had to the story about the grateful crane. The crane was dying in the snow and she until a man saved her. That was like the whole story. 

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Coordinated Conundrums

Walt: identify coordinates and use grid references to give directions


Walt:  identify coordinates and use grid references to give directions

Friday, 3 May 2019

I like your Lattitude

Walt: Use compass direction to describe location.

 We had to look at the map of New Zealand and answer the question when we press the blue marker.  Also we learn about North, West, South, East,.

Monday, 29 April 2019

A Game that ended wrong

During the Holidays we had a rugby game against this Australian team. It was a Sunday afternoon and it was very hot. Barely any of our boys came on time because of church and we were very short on number. It was time for our rugby game and we were ready.

In the lockers our coach Mazel gave us a very inspiring talk. He told us if we work as team then we will become more better. At the start of the game they looked very big. First half, We were looking very good because it was a draw.

Second half, We got another trie and we very happy and starting getting lazy because it was nearly finished but they didn't give and got another to tries. BUT nearly at the end of the game this big boy ran it up straight to me and then I tackled him and got a very sore shoulder.

After the game we went I went to the Doctors and the doctors said "you have a sprained shoulder".

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Descriping Key words

Hit #1
Search # 6 - The Blog question. With no quotation marks.
Careers + Ufc + Boxing  + police + Career
Number of hits = 28 , 500 000 hits

Hit #1
Search # 6 - The blog question.
"Careers + Ufc + Boxing  + police + Career"
Number of hits = 780,00 hits

Image result for mike tyson

These are the many things I want to do in the future because my family has done boxing and rugby. I want to use this in the boxing ring because that where every boxer goes to fight other people so that they could rank higher and earn more.

Task Description
This is something that I learned with Mr Daniels. This task is called Web res and we have to search up a job that will be likely to be doing in the future. Also we search up with other word so that we could see how hits it had. I used the most powerful technology to find the answer.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Multicultural Diversity

Walt: communicate ideas on a topic

Task Description:

For this task we had to pick a photo that was the winning photo and was the best in your own opinion.


Task Description:

For this task we had to write about our future what we are gonna do. It was very hard for me because I like Rugby and boxing.

Friday, 15 March 2019

Reconnecting the Brain

Walt: Ask Question to clarify our understand about the task

Preserving our culture

Walt: communicate ideas on a topic

Task Description:

For this task we had to describe how we preserve like how we show our culture. Also I did two because I love my culture.

Our Trip to poly fest

Have you ever been to poly fest?. Because I have and watched other people performed before. If you go to poly fest make sure you get money and buy food and wear a hat.

Firstly, We went to poly fest and played games with the poly fest helpers. Our first activity were the hula and we were teaches from the people all the way from Hawaii. One of them were related to me because they are samoan but studied in Hawaii.

Secondly, We went to play games with a skipping rope and we had to do for 50 time. We did not succeed and won but we still tried. The game was Rock Paper scissors but with our bodies..

Thirdly, We had to go up to the stands. First we sang a song about we our hungry. But the difficult part was we had to figure out was the country and it was about the islands.

Through all this I was so happy and hot. I had heaps of fun and enjoyed it so much when we went to buy food.

Friday, 8 March 2019

My Career Malaga

Task Description:
For this task we had to write about stuff we are gonna do in the future and what we do. Also we had to decide what we are gonna do in the future like a boxer of work at Foot Locker.  

Moriori: A story of survival

Walt: Understand new information by connection to my life, Text I know and the world

Polynesian Panther

Walt: Understand new information by connection to my life, Text I know 

Friday, 1 March 2019

Relationship between numbers

Walt: Identify the relationship between numbers

Task Description:

For this task we had to figure out what is the relationship between the numbers.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Visual Mihi

hi this my visual Mihi about me, The Family picture means that I love my family and always protects them, The Samoan logo Means that I will never disrespect my Culture, The photo of the the strong men means that I will honour the people who served in our country, The Rugby logo means that I love to watch the rugby cause I am wishing that I will be one

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Letter to Ms Tapuke

Dear Ms Tapuke,

My name is AJ. I'm 11 years old and Year 7 at Pt England school. I am the middle child in my family. I have 2 older brothers and one little sister. My favorite sibling is Richard Because he keeps make jokes and makes me laugh.

My favorite sport is tag and rugby. I play for the Marist rugby club with some of the boys in Pt England. I play nearly every sport in school. Because I enjoy playing it.

My subject is math because I love solving problems with friends also doing it by myself. My goal for this year is to never give up if it seem to hard and reading I whole book every week. I love sleeping and getting up for breakfast.

My favorite food is raw fish and taro. I enjoy fishing with my dad and eating after we're done.

Your Sincerely,